When Should I Buy Organic?

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So you have decided that you want to incorporate more real foods and produce into your diet. Good for you! You are in great company. But now you wonder when you should buy organic. 

Organic foods can increase your food bill.

If you typically run out of the grocery store with 5 bags of chips, a pack of soda and lots of boxed foods, this increase could be substantial if you are trying to buy all organic. At the end of the day, if you can afford it, buy organic when you can. If you are on a budget, or have a hard time swallowing the increase you see at the register that first day (I see you and have been there!), there are a couple things to consider.

The Dirty Dozen.

This is a list compiled each year showing the produce that soaks up the most pesticides. You can find it here. These are items you will want to buy organic if possible. If not possible, I am proud of you for choosing to add more produce into your diet, regardless of whether it is organic or not!

The Clean 15. 

Similar to the dirty dozen, but this one showing the produce that soaks up the least pesticides. These items you can buy non-organic if you are looking for places to cut cost.

It’s Up to YOU.

For all the other items not on either list, it’s up to you. Try to buy organic when you can, based on availability and budget. At the end of the day, take a moment to be proud of yourself for choosing to eat more produce! I know I am ðŸ™‚

If you are in a situation where organic foods are not readily available AND you want to incorporate more, I see you. I grew up in the proverbial middle-of-nowhere where organic foods and snacks were far from anyone’s radar. That’s where Thrive Market can come in. They are a great resource if you are looking to have more organic or diet sensitive ingredients (gluten free, soy free, etc) and snacks at an affordable price ðŸ™‚

Proud of you! Be Well,


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