One Size (does not) Fit All

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One Size Does NOT Fit All

Have you ever seen clothing tags like this? Ugh. One size does NOT fit all, but health does. Sort of like a square can be a rectangle, but a rectangle can never be a square…health can determine your size, but your size does not necessarily determine your health.

Let me explain:

Health fits all shapes and sizes. Health doesn’t care if you are 4’2” or 6’5”. Health is health regardless of size and shape. 

Your clothing size does not determine your health! Let your health be your guide to your size!

A size 0 could be a very healthy goal for a very petite framed shorter individual but could be an extremely UNHEALTHY goal for a tall, athletically framed or curvy individual. Similarly, a size 10 may be a very healthy size for the taller athletically framed or curvy individual but would be less healthy in the very petite individual. 

Size is not health.

 A 0 and a 10 could be healthy or unhealthy depending on several factors that will vary by individual. Your clothing size does not determine your health! Let your health be your guide to your size! Not the other way around. Also, let me remind you that health is about more than your size and your weight. Health involves where your head is at just as much as it involves your physical form.

No matter what size you are, the definition of healthy, in my book, is the same.

  1.  Are you happy? Do you have a good self image? If yes, you are well on your way to passing my personal health test 😉 This alone is huge. 
  2. Do you have any illnesses or comorbid conditions that are preventable (not born with) or reversable/reducible with lifestyle changes? This is one to work on if you answered yes…but only after you have made sure that you are mentally ready with a positive self image! Take a peek at my sustainable transformation course if you are interested in tackling this one with me 🙂
  3. Do you get at least 30 minutes of active movement each day? I’m not talking about walking to the bathroom a few times a day or washing the dishes. I’m talking about physically moving your body within healthy limits in a pattern of regular exercise. If not, that’s ok! It’s one to work on! I think this is one that many of us push to the side as we get busy in our lives…I know it is usually the first aspect of health to go for me when I am feeling overwhelmed or over stretched!
  4. Do you eat a balanced diet with regularly spaced meals? I’m talking not skipping meals or consistently only eating one food group at every meal and not over or under eating. 

SIZE does not fit all. Health does.

If you find that you would like to find better health in one of these realms, I am happy to help! Check out my courses page to see if any of them fit your needs 🙂

Be healthy my friends,


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