10 Steps to a Happier YOU :-)

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Start getting curious about those ingrained habits holding you back from being happy! Follow along below for my opinion on the top 10 biggest habits you can change to gain significant amounts of life satisfaction!

Be active

It is well known that activities such as exercise release endorphins, those feel good neurotransmitters in our bodies. This is turn helps reduce stress/anxiety/depression, aids in better sleep (which is also key to our overall health and wellbeing), and also aids in pain relief. See my number 5 bonus on this one as well 🙂

Stop Judging Others

Judgment comes from a negative space. Notice when judging others how you might furrow your brow or talk angrily to someone about something – judgment activates a stress response! Don’t mistake a feeling of superiority for happiness. They are not the same. Curiosity and Kindness over Judgment and Fear!

Stop Judging Yourself

This is a tough one for many of us. One of the best ways I have found to stop this negative cycle is to approach yourself and your choices from a place of curiosity and to give yourself grace. 

Stop Worrying about how others Perceive you

Another one that many of us struggle with and may prevent us from being our true authentic selves. Above is a picture of my wild child who drank creamer out of the dish while I wasn’t watching in an effort to make me laugh – she succeeded! Kids have this innate, beautiful ability to just be themselves without fear of judgment. Somewhere between puberty and adulthood, most of us, unfortunately, lose this gift. When we don’t feel comfortable/confident enough to step into our true selves, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, stress and even depression or anxiety. It’s time to let go of those worries. If others are going to hate, that’s on them, not you. As long as you are not causing harm to others or yourself – let your own flag fly and dance to your own groove.

Put down your phone

Studies are showing that high cell phone usages has negative impacts on both our physical and mental health. Physical issues include eye strain, neck pain and weight gain. Mental symptoms include mood disorders and depression. Unfortunately, loneliness was reported in both low and high cell phone usage participants according to this study, suggesting that we all need to get out there, be friendly and socialize!

Smile and Hold you head up

The way we carry ourselves can affect how we feel. It can also affect the way that others approach and interact with you. Smiling and holding your head up instead of staring at the ground in front of you can lead to you feeling more confident and signal to others that you are more approachable, thus encouraging socialization which is a key factor in overall happiness and feelings of well being!

Get Sleep

Sleep is an unsung hero in our lives. It allows us to reset, both physically and mentally. Consistently losing sleep leads to elevated stress levels and a poor sense of overall wellbeing. Dedicate a bedtime for yourself. Turn your phone notifications off and put all devises away from your bed. PROTECT YOUR SLEEP TIME! You and everyone around you deserve it! Having difficulty relaxing into sleep due to stress, anxiety, etc? Give Core by Hyperice a try. Its a meditation trainer with a built in mental health app. I personally gave this one to my momma for Christmas 🙂

Find joy in the little things, start a gratitude journal

Having an attitude of gratitude, where you focus on what you have rather than don’t have forces you to think from a place of abundance rather than shortage. Your life is full. You have many things – even small things – that you can be grateful for. Even the things you might think of as bad right now might just need a reframe! A mess in your kid’s playroom means they had a great time playing. Dishes in the sink means you have plenty of food to eat. You get my point 😉

Surround yourself with positive people

Who you surround yourself with has a huge impact on your overall disposition. Try to find people who lift you and the people around them up, and start a conversation with them! Find some common ground. It could be that your kids go to the same school, or it could even just be a compliment – everyone likes to hear a compliment! On the same note, try to recognize when people in your life are toxic – always negative, dragging you and your mood down. Try to avoid these types of relationships. If you find yourself in one, give it some space – you don’t need all of that negative energy dragging your vibe down!

Be honest and open and just be you

This goes back to not worrying about what other people think. When you are authentically yourself, when you are absolutely true to who you are and who you wish to become, you will find greater happiness than if you are constantly posing as someone or something you are not or do not wish to be.


  1. Put positive energy out and be kind
  2. Stop blaming others and take responsibility
  3. Get organized
  4. Apologize when you should
  5. Get Outside!!!

Be well my friends,


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