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Family Fun Alert: Camping with Kids to See Synchronous Fireflies in Great Smokey Mountains National Park

Pack your bags, gather your family, and get ready for an unforgettable experience as you camp with kids to see synchronous fireflies in Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with nature and create cherished memories with your loved ones.

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Imagine a night filled with twinkling lights that dance in perfect synchronization, creating a natural spectacle that will leave you in awe. This is what awaits you on a family camping trip in North Carolina to witness the enchanting display of synchronous fireflies. Our little family was lucky enough to experience this spectacle in June 2023. It was absolutely magical ◡̈ In this article, I will guide you through choosing the right spot, preparing for your adventure, exploring the great outdoors, experiencing the mesmerizing fireflies, and creating lasting memories with your loved ones. So pack your bags, gather your family, and get ready for an unforgettable journey into nature’s magical wonderland.

Choosing the Right Spot

Choosing the right spot for viewing synchronous fireflies is a little different than looking at a map of campsites in a campground and picking the one closest to your favorite feature. When it comes to this natural event, there are two things to consider. The first is that there is a dedicated “lottery” option for the official viewing at Elkmont Campground within the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. In fact, I am writing this just ahead of the lottery opening (April 26th), so get over to this site to enter if this is the route you want to go. The site also has useful information regarding the phenomenon that is great to read up on prior to heading out on your adventure. This is a great option for families who prefer drive-up rather than hike-in camping or for people with disabilities precluding them from hiking further into the park.

If entering the lottery isn’t your bag, or you got the unfortunate “unsuccessful” message regarding your lottery submission, fear not, because their is a SECOND consideration: synchronous fireflies don’t just hang out in the dedicated national park viewing spots… they are wild creatures…you can’t “contain” them. This just happens to be a wonderful space within which you are basically guaranteed to see them in early June of each year. As wild creatures, they also aren’t isolated to existence between the dates of June 3-10. Again, this is just the timeframe that you are MOST LIKELY to get a full display in this particular region. If you are willing to take a little bit of a gamble (the route we chose), you can find an awesome spot further in the park on the dates of or surrounding the lottery dates ◡̈ The space we chose was still within the park, but we chose to hike in to our campsite in mid June rather than early June. The location we chose was adjacent to a creek and required about 3 miles of hiking to get to. We chose this spot due to the guarantee of zero light pollution (there were only 3 primitive campsites around us) as well as it being a spot we knew our kids would want to explore be a little “wild” without the concern of neighboring campsites.

Whether your needs or desires dictate you chosen location for viewing this spectacular event, know that it will be incredible either way ◡̈

Preparing for Your Adventure

First things first: before embarking on a camping adventure of any kind, start by checking the weather forecast for the days you will be camping to pack the appropriate clothing and gear. Make a checklist of essentials such as tent, jet burner, sleeping bags, and insect repellent (please use an essential oil variety like this one rather than harsher varieties for this event – after all, you are literally going to watch insects!). If you are hiking in like we did, a couple further considerations would be to have a dedicated hiking bag, headlamps with a “red light” option, dehydrated meals (also oatmeal packets are great for breakfasts), a plan for bears (including food waste/storage solution and bear spray), hydropack and/or filter solution for water, biodegradable toilet paper, and matches/firestarter. A first aid kit is also HIGHLY recommended on any camping trip along with a charging pack in case of emergent need for phone use! If you are venturing way out there and/or are alone, don’t forget to pack a satellite phone with a GPS feature on any excursion. Arguably just as important when bringing the kiddos…don’t forget some of the fun stuff like s’mores, fire color changers and hammocks if you are able ◡̈ We have also found that letting our kids bring their own small packs to put a couple snacks, a water bottle and a few small toys in for the day.

As always, familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the campsite to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

P.S. If you have space in your pack or in the car, here are a few of my favorite “creature comforts”: Rumpl blankets, outdoor slippers, ultra lite portable chairs, and a coffee press ◡̈

Exploring the Great Outdoors

As you venture into the great outdoors with your family, take the time to appreciate the beauty and serenity of nature surrounding you. The fireflies don’t come out until dusk and are fully appreciated after dark (which can get late for the littlest of travelers), so don’t forget to enjoy the DAY getting there and exploring! Whether you’re hiking along trails, splashing in a nearby stream, or simply sitting by the campfire, the peacefulness of the wilderness offers a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Embrace the opportunity to explore and discover new wonders together, creating unforgettable moments that will stay with you long after your camping trip. And always remember to pick up after yourself and leave no trace! Keep these places beautiful for the generations to come ◡̈

Experiencing Synchronous Fireflies

One of the most captivating and mesmerizing experiences you can have while camping with your kids in Great Smokey Mountains National Park is witnessing the phenomenon of synchronous fireflies. Obviously, it’s what this whole article is about! These special fireflies have a unique ability to synchronize their flashing patterns, creating a magical display that is sure to leave you in awe. As my youngest kiddo put it “it feels like I’m in a fairytale.” As darkness falls and the night comes alive with these twinkling insects, take a moment to marvel at the natural wonder happening right before your eyes. If you need to use a light to get to a good viewing spot, or if your little ones feel scared in pitch darkness, having that red-light option on headlamps is crucial. The traditional yellow light both pollutes the magic and also scares off some of the fireflies and could ruin an otherwise magical moment. At dusk, our kids began trying to “communicate” with the fireflies (fully supervised by the adults) by lightly blowing the end of a snuffed out previously lit twig in a pattern they felt was similar to how the fireflies were communicating with each other. It’s a truly unforgettable experience that you and your family will cherish for years to come.

Creating Lasting Memories

As you watch the synchronous fireflies light up the night sky, make sure to take the time to capture these special moments with your family. Whether you snap a photo or simply soak in the beauty together, these memories will be cherished for a lifetime. Heads up…it is exceptionally difficult to capture the fireflies on film/camera without know-how. I took lots of pictures of our fam throughout the day, but none of my pictures turned out of the actual fireflies. If this is important to you, I highly suggest researching how to capture images – to help you out, here’s a little article I wish I had read beforehand! Encourage your kids to ask questions, share what they notice, and truly engage with the natural world around them. These shared experiences will not only bring you closer as a family but also create lasting memories that you can look back on. So, as you revel in the enchanting display of synchronous fireflies, remember to savor the time spent together and the beauty of nature unfolding before your eyes.

In Conclusion

In the serene landscape of the Great Smokey Mountains, a family camping trip becomes an extraordinary adventure as you witness the symphony of synchronous fireflies lighting up the night sky. From choosing the perfect campsite to experiencing the magical display of nature, every moment is an opportunity to create lasting memories with your loved ones.

So pack your bags, gather your family, and set off on this unforgettable journey. Don’t miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in the wonder of the great outdoors and forge deeper connections with those closest to you. As the fireflies dance in harmony, let this experience spark a sense of awe and wonder in your hearts. Embrace the magic of nature and cherish the moments that will stay with you forever.

Adventure on my friend,


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