hands holding glass of green smoothie

Easy-Peasy Green Smoothie

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Eating healthier can be a challenge, right? I know. I’ve been there. Through much of my childhood, I was a competitive gymnast. My gymnastics center was approximately 1.5 hours from our tiny town and I had practice/open gym for 3-5 hours/day, 6 days/week. This meant a lot of my mom packing me early pre-practice dinners, followed by refueling on the way home after practice. This also meant that my opportunities to learn how to cook a healthy meal were limited during this phase of my life. I’m not complaining – it was a pretty cool time of my life – but it wasn’t until my adulthood that I had to start figuring out how to keep myself nourished and healthy for success.

In comes the green smoothie. Smoothies are fantastic! Not only can you pack in all kinds of nutrients (and even hide some of the stuff you know you should consume, but don’t like to eat regularly), but almost ANYONE can make one regardless of their culinary skills.

The following green smoothie got me through the last two years of Medical School. Seriously. I bought myself a cheap “single” blender cup that I could transport with me, and made my green smoothie nearly every morning to help get me through the busy day ahead. It gave me a boost of nutrients, was light (didn’t leave me feeling weighed down), and supported my energy needs. It also only took about 5 minutes to put together! Win-win.

Another great thing about smoothies is that you can adjust them to your own taste and needs. Need more protein? Add some powder! Love strawberries? Add more! Sometimes I like to add in blueberries too ◡̈

Without further ado, here it is:

See? Easy! I hope you enjoy the yummies and the healthy feels ◡̈

Be well my friend,


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