Self care isn’t selfish

5 things you can do for yourself today to make you feel more vibrant 

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Ok, let’s tackle this common misconception. SELF CARE IS NOT SELFISH! Self care also doesn’t have to mean taking to the spa every day. It can be as basic as using a face moisturizer that you love each morning or going to an activity that resets you like the gym, yoga, or meditation.

Let’s reframe how we see self care. Often we think: “it’s selfish for me to do that because it takes time away from X” or “because I should be doing X for someone else.” But I want to invite you to think of it a little differently… What if the opposite were true. What if it was MORE selfish to NOT take care of yourself. For instance, by not doing the activity that resets you, you are giving everyone the depleated version of you rather than your best.

So, without further ado, here are 5 SIMPLE things you can do for YOURSELF to help you reset and feel more vibrant!

1. Morning Meditation

Start a morning meditation routine. Contrary to the photo above, meditation doesn’t have to be a long drawn out activity that involves hypnotic ohms, pretzeled legs and upside down “OK” fingers. It can be an incredibly short blip in your schedule in which you set an intention for how you want the day to unfold. Try this: Wake up 15 minutes earlier than the rest of your household, grab the book, “5 Good Minutes” and use it as a guide for how you want to wake up each morning. Set yourself on the right foot starting your day!

2. Journaling

Keep a journal. There are several mental health benefits to keeping a journal including improved mood, reduced stress and help with processing complex or strong emotions. You don’t need a journal with a bunch of prompts (unless you want one) – just a blank page will do the trick. This helps you authentically express what is pressing in YOUR life – not what a prompt wants you to tackle.

3. Clear the Clutter

Clear the clutter. But wait Danielle, I thought I was supposed to relax? Self care CAN be about relaxing, but it can also be about doing things that help reset you. Often when our space feels cluttered, WE feel cluttered. It is incredibly uplifting to take a room that is in chaos, tackle it and turn it into a space that is clean (or at least uncluttered).

4. Physical Activity

Fit in a physical activity that helps reset you. This could be joining a local rec league, joining a gym, doing yoga or even meditation, etc. You could even do something at home like going for a long walk/bike ride. Can’t leave the house? Invest in yourself by getting the things you need for successful movement incorporation at home, be it these awesome free weights, yoga mats, or meditation supplies. These activities release endorphins, which are the “feel good” neurotransmitters in our bodies.

5. Get Great Sleep

Finally, get great sleep! Sleep truly is an unsung hero in the realm of mental health. It is literally the way our bodies and minds reset themselves. Try to get a full 8 hours. Set a time when you have to put your electronics (or book) away to lay down and turn the lights down. Drink a warm glass of water. Create a short routine – maybe it involves putting a favorite soothing lotion on. Maybe it includes soaking in the tub (don’t forget the Epsom salts and great smelling soaps!) or taking a warm shower (try a shower steamer for something a little extra 😉 ).

There are many more ways in which you can take care of yourself, but above are some simple “big hit” items to help revitalize you when incorporated into a daily routine. Take time for you! You deserve to be taken care of 🙂

Stay well,


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