Real Food Cookbooks We Love!

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We all start somewhere in our health journey. When I first got married and started trying to feed my family, I had bare minimum knowledge on how to cook or plan out healthy meals. I mean, when my husband and I started dating I literally thought you were supposed to throw noodles in the pot before it came to a boil…but he stuck around and eventually I figured it out 😉 I am now a confident home cook who utilizes “real food” ingredients 99% of the time. We don’t calorie count or follow any “diets” (though we do try to limit gluten and dairy due to sensitivities), but we make a conscious effort to have balanced meals made primarily of non-processed goods. Since switching to this way of eating, we have all felt better and been healthier versions of ourselves. 

Here’s where I started on my real food journey:

100 days of real food – for someone who likes to cook and isn’t on a strict budget

100 days of real food fast and fabulous – for someone who likes to cook, but has time restraints 

100 days real food budget – for those who have budgetary concerns when it comes to making an effort to eat more real foods! This was the first one I purchased as we were definitely on a tight budget when we first started this journey! Eating healthier foods does not have to cost you a significant chunk of change!

Super Foods for Super kids Cookbook – why I love it? There is no shame in admitting that your kitchen skills may be less advanced! I personally love this book. As a mom with two younger kiddos, these recipes taste yummy for the WHOLE family and are packed with all the good stuff!! The recipes are also easy enough for young kitchen helpers/budding chefs to participate in prepping or to start prepping on their own – teaching the next generation healthier cooking habits than we perhaps grew up on!

The Cancer Diet Cookbook – why I love it? Incredibly healthy and a deep dive into real food cooking. Very informative text and great for you whether you have cancer or not. The recipes are more involved, so if you are on a time constraint and don’t plan to “make ahead,” or if you are someone who is not quite ready to take on more challenging recipes – this book may not be the right one to start at. – (also the owner of – not a cookbook per say, but why I love it? Often people start doing processed foods because it is the only thing they can get their kiddos to eat. I get it. On this website, she has an actual meal plan program that helps people switch over from eating processed junk to incorporating more real foods into their family diets. It’s a great place to start if you need some extra help, especially with a crew of picky eaters. Also, my whole family LOVES a vast majority of the recipes I have made for them off her site. Definitely worth a visit!

No matter where you are starting, be proud of yourself for starting this journey into healthier eating habits!

Be well friend,


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