10 steps to a Successful Exercise Routine

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Establishing the healthy habit of getting routine exercise can be a huge hurdle for many people. Things get in the way. You lose motivation. We make up all kinds of reasons to not establish this healthy habit…but…here are 10 ways to help you find success in creating one!

  1. Start where you are at – don’t be over zealous too quickly. Often we want results immediately so we try to do too much right out of the gate, thinking this will expedite the process. However it can actually do the exact opposite and derail us from the positive path we are trying to blaze for ourselves. It may even set you up for injury.
  2. Download/have access to your favorite songs, audiobooks or podcasts and use them as a reward – IE only listen to them when you are on a run
  3. Drink water!!!! – get yourself a nice water bottle that makes you WANT to drink!
  4. Go ahead and get yourself some cute clothing. I know it sounds silly or superficial, but if you feel cute you will feel more motivated to get out and do your activity. We all deserve to feel cute in our own skin. Halara is my new favorite athlesiure brand – fantastic athletic wear that you can definitely wear to the park, lunch, or a casual dinner 🙂 I might live in their high waisted shorts and crop tops all summer!
  5. Set reasonable goals for yourself: distances, amount of time, how hard you are pushing. You don’t need to run a marathon…maybe start with a local 5k you could train for in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe have some fun ones too!
  6. To that same effect – when making goals, try to make some short term ones that are easier to grab. For example, maybe a marathon IS your biggest goal, but if you are new to running/exercising, it may take months to reach that goal and you may quit your plan because there is no short term reward! Throw in a local 5K at a reasonable time in your training.
  7. Get good shoes – actually go to the store and get fitted unless you are already a die hard fan of a brand/shoe style. My go-tos shoes are Brooks and Hoka
  8. Get engaged with a group! If you like your exercise to be “me time” then maybe join a virtual group you can text in on or check in through social media – it’s good for motivation and accountability. 
  9. Pick a type of exercise that feels good for YOU. Not everyone likes to run or go to the gym and forcing yourself into that box will likely set you up for disappointment when trying to establish a consistent routine. Its ok to think outside of the box too! Cross country skiing is great exercise! Find ways to move your body that are pleasurable to YOU! You can always revisit other types of movement and exercise as your body grows accustomed to moving!
  10. Fuel your body the right way. Give yourself a diet of real foods that give you energy rather than take energy away!


Know your support system. Try to get it from those closest to you – If that isn’t a possibility, then search for a group either in your community or virtually through social media streams. If going to the gym is your exercise, most people there are going to be very positive and supportive of you showing up for yourself.

Stay healthy friends,


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